Your Guide to Getting Discovered as a Professional Writer- GUEST POST

Your Guide to Getting Discovered as a Professional Writer As an author who dreams of writing for a living, getting eyes on your work can often feel like an elusive goal. The path to getting discovered is riddled with obstacles and challenges. However, as A. E. Costello knows, becoming a professional author is far from…

How NaNoWriMo Went- The Disaster of Plantsering

Hey Readers! Here to update about my NaNoWriMo 2023 journey. So, I’ve always been a pantser, but before I started the NaNoWriMo for “The Archmage’s Wish” (new and improved title), I had done a little freewriting. That freewriting developed into a small outline that I was going to use as a jumping board to begin…

NaNo Novel Project Announcement

Hi Readers, A. E. Costello here. So it is National Novel Writing Month November 2023! I am finally taking part again since 2021, I skipped 2022, and broke my streak, since I had taken part every year since 2014 to 2021. Urgh! Its frustrating now that I think about it. I’ll have to start all…

National Novel Writing Month- Day 1 2023

National Novel Writing Month is here! The first day! I stayed up until midnight on Discord in my region’s chatroom, and did a fifteen minute sprint. I got out 33 words, which was better than I expected, because I was very, very tired staying up that late. I had expected that I’d only manage like…

A. E. Returns: Where I’ve Been and Where I’m Going

So long time, no speak! First, I need to say that this post will sound familiar, because it was originally posted in March 2023, but I put it back to drafts. I’ve updated this post, and am posted it again, now rewritten and updated for current events. So it’s A. E. here, back again! (again)…